A selection of testimonials about Freedom Through Fun for the work we have done for a diverse range of organisations and individuals. We appreciate your feedback from every session we are involved in as it helps us to develop and improve our current services for the better.
Play & Activities Schemes for disabled children & young people
The Workshops are always well-planned and specific to the needs of the children and young people. Chris. is enthusiastic, a professional and lots of fun. The children thoroughly enjoy all the Workshops! Thank you!
Manor Green College, Crawley
Tom, thank you for organising Chris to come in and work his magic in our class the last 2 weeks. Everyone, both staff and students, thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. It certainly achieved the aim of ‘Lifting Poetry Off the Page!’ It was so nice to see how the full range of students’ abilities were catered for. They were all able to engage at their own level Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
Anne Clarke
L.V.S. School, Hassocks
They benefited greatly by having Chris. value all their contributions and use them in a very creative and positive way. Chris. praised the children’s efforts helping to build their self esteem and confidence within the group. It has made poetry accessible and fun and provided them with a great experience which addressed the kinaesthetic and visual styles of learning. Chris’s work was outstanding – can’t think of any way he could improve it.
Aly Tighe
St Anthony’s School, Chichester
Since the Workshops the pupils have commented that poetry isn’t just ‘boring words’ but can be more fun like acting and moving to make it come alive’. For me this was a real breakthrough because it has allowed the pupils the opportunity to perceive poetry as something much richer and more meaningful to them. I would not like to see Chris. changing what he does or how he goes about it as it is pure magic. All I would say is that I hope many other Schools get to benefit from this experience
Sarah Paige
Oak Grove College
I am the Head of Art at Oak Grove College (a special needs secondary school in Durrington) and I was in the process of planning an inclusive art day for the whole school, which caters for pupils with profound and multiple learning disabilities through to those pupils who are able to take their GCSE art exams.I learnt that Chris. ran workshops funded by ‘Wellspring’ so contacted him to see if he would be interested to run a workshop for our art day. He was very keen and enthusiastic. It was quite obvious from our discussion that he had heaps of valuable experience that our pupils would benefit from. Over a period of time we liaised about the content, theme and structure of the day. Chris ran three workshops throughout the day with pupils with PMLD, SLD, ASC and other more able pupils who joined to help him and interact with their less able peers. Unfortunately I was also running a workshop so I didn’t get to observe the session but the feedback from staff was that the sessions were outstanding, that Chris had huge insight and empathy with our pupils, that they were encouraged to explore, make choices and interact all through fun. It was great to work with Chris and I hope that I can work with him again in the future.
Sarah Paterson
A Portage Family Fun Day
Chris’s session was fun, developmentally appropriate, engaging to adults and children alike. The children loved the interaction, the pace, the content, the fun and the laughter. Also the real sensitive love and respect that Chris showed to all
Workshops for Disabled Children & Young People
1.) “Chris always comes with a variety to offer the young people and they always seem happy to see him. He interacts extremely well with them and is always interested in how they are”. “One young person said she really enjoyed the beating of the drums and the singing. Another indicated he loved the bubbles and played with them for a long time. Everyone seemed to enjoy the dressing up and it brought on a great deal of laughter”.
2.) The young people were able to dip in and out all day as they wanted. They loved the dressing up and the character development”. Not sure there was anything they didn’t like. The most important thing for this group is that if they want to join in they can because everything is accessible for them but they also have the choice not to join in if that’s what they want. Chris is so easy to get on with and adaptable the young people love him”.
A Children & Family Centre
“Chris was excellent, we really enjoyed the stories, puppets and songs. The bubbles were a good fun way to end a good afternoon.
Thank you”
“Chris was fantastic the kids loved it. ‘Molly’ loved all the music & singing & the story time. We all loved The Bear Hunt”. “The kids have really enjoyed today, playing with the bubbles, singing and playing with the instruments and they really enjoyed story time with Chris. who is excellent with the children”. “Chris was brilliant ‘Terri’ really enjoyed herself and joined in with everything.The Bear Hunt and story time was excellent shame Chris doesn’t do birthday parties”. “…….would like to see Chris back again….”
An After School Play Workshop For Children
The Workshop gave the children a chance to play, be themselves and have fun !! Chris has such a fantastic array of equipment + resources that no improvement to the Workshop is necessary. Chris organised the session around the activities the children were interested in – providing frequent choices and changes in activities. Chris engaged the children on an individual and group level and gave lots of positive encouragement and praise. It was brilliant, thank you Chris.

St Christopher’s Children’s Hospice
On behalf of the families we support and the Team, we are writing to thank you for the fantastic support you gave us at the Families Summer Fun Day. Your contribution was vital for the smooth running of the event and Bungle the Clown gave all the children and their families a very special day.

Bishop Tuffnell C.E. Primary School
I will recommend Chris. to any primary school. He is meticulous in preparation, excellent in delivery and a model of good practice. The children loved all of his Workshops and his assembly. Thank you Chris. We hope to see you again soon!
Training Evaluations
“It was much more than I expected. Great delivery..” 10/10
“Excellent enthusiasm”
“Far exceeded my expectations.” GREAT!”
“One of the best ‘activities’ I’ve participated in”
“Very friendly & supportive atmosphere. Good reflective opportunities”.
“Chris’s enthusiasm was infectious and he inspired me to have a go which I’m extremely grateful for”
“Have been able to come away with loads of ideas”.
“It was much more than I expected. Great delivery..”