Chris’s Work with Under 5’s

Chris. provides a wide range of activities for under 5’s.

His sessions are child-led, child-centred and provide activities designed to capture the imagination, encourage communication, social skills, an enquiring mind and to be fun !

Activities include:

  • Interactive story-telling where the children go on their own imaginary journeys.  To enable the journey to come to life Chris. uses resources including  musical instruments, a wide variety of fabrics, tissue paper and puppets .Two years ago Chris. became a ‘Lifemusic’ facilitator  and has used this approach to music in his work in Pre-schools. ( See more details under ‘NEWS’ and the ‘Lifemusic website  Children and the adults with them become thoroughly engaged in this exciting, flexible and ‘freeing’ approach to music.  “We are all musicians”; “there are no wrong notes”; “every sound has a meaning”. Put the hum into human with ‘Lifemusic’ !
  • Chris. has a big selection of puppets of all sizes and kinds and he uses these either as a resource for children to use for themselves or led by him.
  • Chris. has a wide repertoire of songs both the well known ( heads and shoulders knees and toes) through to the lesser known but nevertheless loved by children and adults alike. “I’m a little penguin black and white”; “Come on everybody do the funky monkey with me”.
  • Chris. also provides a variety of games – ‘Captain’s Coming!’; ‘Here There and Everywhere’; parachute games; when outdoors he has large bubble makers which the children can experiment with for themselves.

Is there anything in particular you’d like Chris to provide ? Any theme you’re working with ? Just give Chris. a call and talk it through with him .

Chris’s Work with Under 5’s